Going to buy flats in munich


05. Dez. 2010
Hi, i'm a foreigner who is going to buy flats in Munich (BogenHausen) and i'm calculating the yield of the rental income versus the purchase price.

I'm aware that this is a Swiss website, but i hope you'll help me.

I've downloaded from the german federal tax office the 2010 income tax prospect and the situation of the taxable income resulted relatively clear (also real estate depreciation, etc.).

While the rental income taxation is not difficult to calculate, i'm having problems with the grundsteuer calculation (Höhe der Grundsteuer).

In the HAUS UND GRUND website i've found a .pdf which says:

Auf den Einheitswert wird durch Anwendung sogenannter Steuermesszahlen der Grundsteuer mess betrag

gebildet. Die Steuermesszahl ist abhängig von der Grundstücks- und Bebauungsart. Sie beträgt

• bei land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Betrieben sechs Promille,

• bei Einfamilienhäusern 2,6 Promille,

• bei Zweifamilienhäusern 3,1 Promille und bei

• sonstigen Immobilien 3,5 Promille.

Does this mean that if i own a single-family flat i have to pay 2.6 per thousand, 3.1 for the two-family flat and, if i've also other flats i've to pay 3.5 per thousand each of them?

What's the basis for the grundsteuer calculus, is it the "purchase price" or the "tax office calculated price"?

Where and how could i find this tax office calculated price?

Is the grundsteuer involved in the future property tax reform?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Francs

I suggest you get together with a professional to get the answers you need.

Tax-reform: /emoticons/default_wink.png you never know what the future brings, espacially now, when every city, county, country is in dire need of money.

The calculus is the "marktpreis" so in your case the purchase price.

Thanks for answers.

The professionals i've asked have given me some answers but i always double - triple check.

The only thing that has coincided right now is the amount of the income taxes.

The grundsteuer for an 80mq flat in Bogenhausen is a not cleared theme. The market price base for calculation leads to an amount that is 100% higher than what the professional vendors told me (they 900€ vs you 1640€ per year). So you see. double checking is almost more exciting than double f******. /emoticons/default_rolleyes.gif/emoticons/default_wink.png

I'll collect other opinions.


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